Food Engineering Laboratory is a research lab located at Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Kentucky with current research focus on extrusion for value-addition, bourbon waste conversion to value-added products, abiotic stress effect on functionality change in food macromolecules and bioactive compound accumulation, non-invasive characterization of foods using hyperspectral imaging and acoustic emission –machine learning approach, and non-thermal processing (pulsed UV light, ultrasonication) of food. Major areas have been categorized below

Food Process Engineering
Alternative grains and food waste valorization – functional property characterization; novel product development using processes such as extrusion and baking.
Electromagnetic energy application for food product quality improvement: pulsed light for sanitizing produce; low power visible light for improving malting power, etc.

Non-destructive Methods
Non-destructive (hyperspectral and acoustic emission) methods for food quality assessment, and safety assurance.

Appropriate Post-Harvest Technology Development
Wind power harnessing for improving drying of grains and other agricultural products; graphic user interphase for computing drying requirement of agricultural products; extrusion process development for making pasta out of cassava flours, etc.
USD Grants Received
Research Members

Principal Investigator
Akinbode A. Adedeji Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
128 CE Barnhart Bldg, Lexington, KY 40546
Office: (859) 218-4355
Fax: (859) 257-5671

Felix Ahkarume
P.h.D Student
Focus: Structural determination, physico-chemical characterization, and molecular dynamic modelling of proso millet storage proteins for enhanced functionality.

Francis Agbali
MSc. Student
Focus: Design and testing of a wind energy harnessing system for forced convective aeration of grain in low wind speed, warm and humid climates.

Joseph Woomer
MSc. Student
Focus: Valorization of proso millet and spent grain for extruded snack development.